Sunday, January 9, 2011

Scottish Sundays, an Introduction

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my newest blog, Judith goes Scotland, sister of my other blog Judith goes USA. That one got started because I was spending a lot of time either in the USA, or trying to go there on a more permanent basis. This, alas, has still not happened, and while I'm waiting it has been decided that The Big Wait* could take place anywhere I want it to.

Why not here?

The "where" question is easily answered. Ask me where I've felt happy, and I'll tell you it's in Scotland. Luckily, my passport allows me to go there quite easily. The trip itself is easy and affordable. Getting there is pretty much figured out.

While I am a highly trained (young) Lady Who Waits, I wouldn't be happy just waiting around so I must find some way to occupy myself. It would be even better if this occupation helped with those basic things we people seem to need. Food, a roof over one's head, clothes on one's back and fiber to play with. Alright, maybe not the last bit, but that's just something that makes me happy. Anyway, I have a tent, which makes for a roof, and I'm not lacking in the clothing department. While I'm carrying some reserves around the waist, food will become an issue very soon.

The point is, bills will still arrive in the post, the car will still need petrol and my body will want some fuel to burn. In order to deal with these tedious things, money will have to come in one way or another and that's why I started this blog and the Scottish Sundays.

This blog is here to help me organize my thoughts, my abilities and my wishes. My questions and hopefully some of your answers. And then, in the end, this will have helped me find a way to make this happen, I'm sure of it.

Goals are good to have, because without them, what would I be aiming for? Here are some that I've thought of so far
- Start every day with a walk
- Do something creative and share this with other people
- Find someone to talk to every day (or go mad)
- Be within reasonable distance from wifi (can't post without it!)

To help achieve those goals, I need some skills. Here's what I already have

- I am good with people of many a persuasion, be it young, old, male, female or other
- I love driving in Scotland as it takes me to places where I'd never walk to. I have my limits!
- I am not afraid of working. I find this helps
- I knit, I spin, I sew and I love it
- I navigate with a map and a compass, which is a good thing, since I don't have a GPS and I love maps

So far, I'm not quite certain how these skills will sustain me just yet, but this is just the start of the adventure and not the end. If you, dear reader, have any ideas, please leave them below. I'm also quite good at accepting help!

That's it for now. Even though it's Sunday, there's always something to do and it won't do itself. I'll be back next week, hope to see you here!

* The Big Wait: time spent waiting for stars to align in favor of me joining my dearly beloved husband of 4 years. Imagine anything that could possibly go wrong with that, and it probably already happened.

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